Modern Bassoon
In 2005 I took up the bassoon again, after a 35-year hiatus from the instrument.
Here's a picture of me as a freshman at the University of Michigan, playing my Linton plastic bassoon, circa 1966:

My modern bassoon,
a Moosmann 150AP, purchased in November of 2008. I ordered the instrument from Justin Miller of Miller Marketing at the IDRS conference in Provo, Utah in July, and it only took the Moosmann workshop roughly three months to complete the order.
This bassoon has several special features tailored to my medium-sized hands, including re-located keys for the little fingers of both hands and a plateau key for the ring finger of the left hand. Mr. Moosmann very graciously took all my special requests into account, including
finding well-matched pieces of flamed maple for all four joints of the instrument.
My 150AP ("Advanced Performance") has a big, open sound, well-balanced through all the registers. Judging from recordings I've made at home, the sound of my Moosmann 150AP is just about ideal,
as it combines a classic, warm core of bassoon sound with a certain 'edge' that projects very well.
At first, I wasn't sure if I had done the right thing by ordering custom keywork, but now I find it makes for very easy playing, with little or no cramping or finger fatigue.
Recently I switched to a Robin Howell solid silver bocal--I use it now for most of my playing.